Lochee Car Upper Saloon
This the upper deck frame under construction. The sides are made the same as the lower saloon side frames.
The saloon interior side panels are fitted and the upper saloon test fitted to the lower saloon.
Uprights were added to the front  and balsa inserts used to support the panelling.
I wasn't happy with the front windows, so I cut them out and rebuilt them. The front panelling has been added using plenty of clamps to curve the 1/32 ply round the front.
Side panelling added.
These are the stair vestibules. They still need another panel.
The side panel and end seat now added.
Test fitting.
Upper Saloon glazed - all 60 panes indvidually cut from glass slides. A grinding stone is useful to get an exact fit. Extra panelling and beading added.
Upper saloon destination blinds in place. The lighting is next.

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  Last updated: 20th August 2008