Lochee Car Seats

The Lochee car had a total seating capacity for sixty-two passengers. The upper saloon had a seating capacity for thirty-four passengers. The seats were of the double "Ascot" tilting traverse type and are upholstered in antique hide. Most seats could seat two, but there was a single seat placed at strategic locations so that the conductor , in carrying out his duties, did not interfere with or obstruct passengers entering or leaving the upper saloon. The lower saloon had a seating capacity of 28 and was wholly fitted with double "Ascot" tilting transverse type seats covered with moquette.



The seats are cast from resin. Here are a couple of masters. The left-hand one is made from balsa wood and sealed with sanding sealer. The right-hand one is made from Plastic sheeting. The rubber is poured into the master. (The sides are missing from the balsa master!)
Here are the resulting moulds. To speed up production, I made four copies of the main seat mould. The resin is poured into each cavity and leveled with a piece of glass.

This is an assembled seat ready for painting. Two Nickel Silver strips support the seat backs, and a thin Nickel Silver strip hides the join.
Seat side view. The end plate hasn't been fixed yet.
The lower saloon seats were covered in a cloth. To simulate this I created some water slide transfers. 
Here are the upper saloon seats painted in antique red leather.

Copyright © 2006
  Last updated: 12/03/2006